Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Huntington Junior Business College

A small group of Middle and High School homeschool students went on a college shopping field trip today. The staff at Huntington Junior Business College welcomed us with open arms. I admit, I knew very little about about "junior colleges" before attending today's meeting. I was really impressed by the staff and the casual feel. It really does seem like a place where a younger non traditional student could excel.
You see, in WV a homeschool student can graduate at 16 if they can successfully complete their GED. If nothing unforeseen comes up, we suspect that this will be what our oldest does. My youngest is a totally different story but that's for another post. We just can't see any reason to waste 2 extra years going over stuff we've already covered just because someone says he has to stay in school "this long". So, he'll need a transitional program to enter. We assumed it would be some kind of "vo-tech" program but now that we've spoken with the Jr. College... we're not so sure! This is a serious possibility!
We met the teachers, sat in on some classes, at lunch, and talked to the financial aid director. It went really well.
Shopping for discount door hardware?

1 comment:

Wholly Duncan said...

Sounds like something we'd like to have gone to. But, with our company in, we couldn't do it. I am glad it went well. You'll have to share what you learned with me sometime.