Monday, July 30, 2007

Playdates are for babies.

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T1 HATES it when I call them that!
"PLAYDATE???" he says.
"Well,, it's a date and you're playing right?"
"Mother,, playdates are for babies, I'll be forced to refuse to attend if it is indeed a playdate"
"oh, ok, T2 and I will go then"
"will there be swimming?"
"is it a baby pool?"
"Ok, I'll go"
T1 get's a bit dramatic when he's feeling "dissed" He get's it from me. We feel a great sense of personal attack when we've been unjustly accused, attacked or "FLAGGED".
Someone flagged my other blog for inappropriate content and got me locked out. I'm feeling a bit "dramatic" about it!
But alas,, it's a free service,, what can you expect.

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