Friday, September 26, 2008

A few quick thoughts on the Debate.

1. Obama said "We should take Pakistan out" Then in the same breath he said "I want to make sure that no other mother has to loose a son"
2. Obama said "We need show decisive force against Afghanistan" Then he said "We need to withdraw all of our troops"
REALLY? Did no one hear this?

3 When asked where he stood on the bailout he says "We need a national preschool program" Ok,, seriously? We could wake up tomorrow to rotting food because Kroger went out of business but you're worried about socializing 3 year olds? I don't mean preschoolers making friends, I mean turning them into socialists.

4. Ok, Ahmajinadad is hard to say but has the opposition EVER picked up a history book? Hello? Perestroika? LOOK IT UP.

5. Mr. Obama? Poland is not a fledgling democracy. Again... pick up a history book.

6. He suggests that we need to treat Russia with kid gloves so we can secure a good relationship because they depend on our petrol dollars??? What???? we get ZERO oil from Russia!! It's Europe that is being held hostage by Russian fuel. PICK UP A PAPER.

7. He says that he's talked to veterans that can't get treatment for PTSD??? REALLY?? No,, that's the only ONLY thing they want to treat you for at the VA. Trust me,, We are intimately familiar with the VA.

8. T1's observation-- Obama likes to make a LOT of quick points. LOL!!

9. I have one good thing to say. Nice of B.O. getting Tim's,, I mean Jim's,, I mean Tom's,, I mean JOHN'S name right there at the end.


Kristina said...

Like your preschool comment. LOL Nice take.

moneytastesbad said...

"6. He suggests that we need to treat Russia with kid gloves so we can secure a good relationship because they depend on our petrol dollars??? What???? we get ZERO oil from Russia!! It's Europe that is being held hostage by Russian fuel. PICK UP A PAPER.

Ummm.... a simple google search will show you that actually we do import oil from Russia. Granted it is not a grand amount but we do import from them.

crystal said...

Of course you're correct but the amount is so inconsequential that it's not even worth bringing up.

crystal said...
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moneytastesbad said...

The amount may be inconsequential, but it is not ZERO. That is my point.

Maybe he should not have brought it up, but at the same time you should not have crated your own facts about the situation. That, in my opinion is the problem with partisan politics. People on both sides will distort the facts, spread misinformation, tell half truths, and simply lie to prove their point.

crystal said...

Listen, you're grasping at straws. If I had 12 cents in my checking account I would say I had NOTHING in my checking account. Did I lie? Not really because the amount is inconsequential. Perhaps the real problem here is people picking out the tiniest little thing and blowing it out of proportion?

Christopher Scott Jones said...

I knew that someone, somewhere had to score McCain as the winner. :P

crystal said...

Chris- You know, I don't really put him as the winner so much as the one who annoyed me less. The REAL looser here is us. "Us" being those who actually thoughtfully consider things. Did you catch the "undecideds" after the debate? Oh. My. God. "All McCain talked about was history, I'm not interested in that, I want to talk about what's going on NOW"
Holy Moly people. Please get a clue.