Today was such a hard day. T2 was the most uncooperative child on the planet. I did stick to my schedual tho.
Let's see, quickly a schedual for tomorrow.
8:00am get up, clean up, breakfast.
9:00am start school (3 Rs)
12:00am lunch
1:00pm science
2:00pm go to the park, walk 2 laps.
*call mom, check on her
*mend T2s quilt
*keep the laundry up (I got it all done today!)
*work on the portfolio (didn't get a whole lot done with it today)
5:00pm start dinner (chicken)
6:00pm collapse, read, knit, etc.
7:00pm kid's time
8:00pm baths, night time reading.
9:00-30 Bed time!
I'm sure there's more but I'm so tired that I can't think. Maybe I'll edit it some tomorrow. On the up side. We planted our Tomatosphere seeds today!
Hey your were on my friends list over at homeschoolblogger. I had to leave there too. I'm now at http://april-thisismyspot.blogspot.com/
Come visit me sometime.
Hey, I want to play - but I don't speak french. ;) This is cool... kind of a botany/space project! I signed up. Yet another idea I've stolen from you. We did your toilet paper solar system today.
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