IT SNOWED! Yup! I knew something was coming. My bones told me so!
That's pathetic isn't it? Sucks getting old! ha ha.
We didn't get any accumulation to speak of. A little stuck to the grill but wouldn't stay frozen long enough to get a picture. Soon, I'm sure.
It was so stinkin' cold! I've got my slippers on for sure! I'm completely jealous of people with hot tubs when this weather rolls around! Wouldn't it be sweet to sit out on the deck, neck deep in near boiling water with snow swirling around your head?
We finished all our school work in a timely fashion today. Ultra violet light, prime numbers, graphs, 4 times tables, and verb tenses have been conquered.
Science-- I had these marvelous plans that we would be done with our science book by Janruary. Yeah,,,, not so much. We're only about half way through. We'll really have to step it up a notch if we're to start history in the new year. We may have to do both! (groan.)
Hey, speaking of home school, the HSLDA is offering a free trial membership right now! Just thought I'd pass along the info. Think of it as my gift to you! (har har!)
Dear Friend of Homeschooling,
The message of the holiday season is one of thanksgiving and hope.
In this spirit, via the gift of a free three-month trial membership
with HSLDA, we invite you to become an HSLDA member so you can
experience the security of partnering with 80,000 fellow homeschooling
families to advance home education in our nation.*
The trial membership runs from January 1, 2008 until March 31, 2008.
As a trial member, you will receive all of HSLDA's benefits, including
the services of our legal department. Whether you are just beginning
to teach your kindergartner at home, considering removing your
children from public school and giving your family a fresh start in
the New Year, or continuing your homeschool journey, we hope to help
give your family peace of mind.
In addition to receiving our outstanding legal services, all
three-month trial members will be given an issue of the Court Report,
access to HSLDA's special needs and high school coordinators, special
discounts on products purchased at the GPA SmartStore, and more.
This free trial membership offer is only available from November 15
through December 31, 2007, so please sign up soon. For the Free Trial
membership, go to http://app.hslda. org, and use 4015475 as the
Friend's Member Number.
From all the staff of HSLDA, may you and your family be blessed this
Thanksgiving and Christmas.
J. Michael Smith
HSLDA President
* Offer valid for "new" members only; family must not have been a
member within the last six months.
Hey, you don't need snow to enjoy a hot tub! LOL
Please help support Fred's Giving Day. It's the Fred Heads turn at creating a money bomb
for Fred
We have a widget you can add to your site as well as a button.
The site is fredsgivingday.com
You can make your pledge there, then on November 21, 2007, make good on your pledge and
donate at Fred08.com
Please help spread the word!
I've heard lately that HSLDA has an agenda that has nothing to do with homeschooling, but rather with "Conservative Christian Issues." (Trying not to be offensive, lol.) I know that you are conservative Christian and probably don't have a problem with what they are campaigning for and supporting, BUT I also think that full disclosure is important. People should know that they're really signing up for "Christian Legal Defense" not necessarily "Homeschool Legal Defense."
Feel free to moderate this comment. I can send you the article where I read this, if you want.
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