Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Real ID

I received an interesting Email the other day from a fellow WV Home Schooler. She and I often see eye to eye on issues, so I read the message with great care. It was a "forward" alerting everyone to an upcoming rally at the capital against the "Real ID".
Now I admit, I've heard a bit about Real ID but I haven't taken the time to educate myself on it up until now. The Real ID Act is a JOKE people. The creater of this Act, James Sensenbrenner has been quoted as saying that the National Real ID " actually prevents having a national ID card". (Lou Dobbs interview found HERE)
How is this different? You took the word "REAL" out? Very clever Mr. Sensenbrenner! You *almost* had me fooled! not.
Here is the bare bones of what Real ID is:

The REAL ID Act of 2005 requires people entering federal buildings, boarding
airplanes or opening bank accounts to present identification that has met
certain security and authentication standards. The Act is Division B of an act
of the United States Congress titled Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act
for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief, 2005. It implements
the following:

  • Establishing national standards for state-issued driver
    and non-driver identification cards;
  • Waiving laws that interfere with construction of physical barriers at the
  • Updating and tightening the laws on application for asylum and
    deportation of aliens for terrorist activity;
  • Introducing rules covering "delivery bonds" (rather like bail bonds but for aliens who
    have been released pending hearings);
  • Funding some reports and pilot projects related to border security;
  • and Changing visa limits for temporary workers, nurses, and Australian

Now, I know, you're saying, "well, that doesn't sound so bad, I'm willing to give up a little bit of privacy for my family's safety" right?

Know this, this will NOT protect anyone. Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer has been quoted as saying "give me half a dozen high school students and a kinkos and I can get you a fake Real ID"

Real ID is just another move by the government to reduce this nation's sovereignty and to blur the lines between the states.

You might argue, "well, my credit card company has as much information as the Real Id Act requires!" The difference is that you voluntarily gave that information. That information wasn't required for you to enter a VA hospital or for you to drive your vehicle. That information wasn't stolen from you. It's not an invasion if you open the front door and welcome them in.

Don't welcome Big Brother in your front door West Virginians... Don't do it!

Here is the info on Friday's Rally.

Senator Barnes, Author of SB248 against West Virginia implementing 'The Real ID Act of 2005' has set up a meeting to show support for legislation against Real ID in West Virginia and to create public awareness about Real ID. We hope to pack the halls of the state capitol building with as many opponents to Real ID as we can muster. Senator Barnes has said that some senators, and the Commissioner of the DMV are expected to attend and the Governor has been requested to attend, but he has not yet confirmed. The press will also be made aware. Please attend if at all possible, numbers mean everything. Bring your family, your friends and your neighbors. Spread this far and wide. Tell your local press about it. The rally will begin to gather at 1:30pm Friday, March 14th 2008 at the rotunda (under the dome) of the State Capitol. The meeting begins at 2:30 PM in the Governors conference Room. We need to be heard loud and clear. Feel free to bring anti-Real ID signs, etc.

I hope to see you there! I'll be there, this is too important not to make the effort.

Here are a few clips that you might find interesting!

Spring is almost here? Do you know someone who loves golf and needs some golf balls?

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