Crystal's blog about life. Home school, knitting, video games and you know,,, stuff that happens!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Trick or Treat!
T1 went as a "Hippie". I joked that we had a conservative and a liberal!
They both got just enough candy to keep them sufficiently sugared up for a few days
I didn't get any Mary Janes but I did score a Bit-o-honey and a Mocha Roca!
They had some friends to run around with this year. That made it a whole lot more fun. It's taking ALL of my willpower to keep from eating a Reece Cup right now!
I'll refrain! I will satisfy my Halloween craving by hitting some after holiday sales tomorrow morning!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Physical therapy. Yes, I did not have it on the agenda for today. Last night when I was tucking the kids in, T1 said "what school work are we taking to PT in the morning"
I replied to the silly boy "we don't have PT in the morning!"
T1 said "yes we do, remember? You told the lady we couldn't come on Tuesday so it would have to be Monday and Wednesday next week? and T2 said 'we can't, we have band' and then you said 'not until 3! we can do it!'"
There was a long pause.
Then I commenced with the whineing.
So add that to one more thing I have to do today.
Sheesh. I'm going to need a headache treatment
I also have a lame flyer to put together and need to get some resembleance of a website put together for the band. Neither will be hard,, it's just doing it. I'll have to do all of this heavily medicated of course because the man I'll refer to as Jorgen Von Strangle from now on really cranked on me today and then casually said "wow,, you're really tight" to which I replied "YA THINK?" I hate him, he hates me, it's a mutual thing we've got going.
On top of all of this,, I woke up with "lady issues" this morning. I only get the "lady issues" about once every other year so yea,, it WAS a surprise.
My mantra today? "suck it up, get it done, take a pill"
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Halloween Week
Saturday, October 27, 2007
slipper fit.
It was very difficult to get the 2nd pair done tho,, Mister Kitty was soooooo tired. He to hop up and snuggle into my arm and snooze. How can you tell a kitty this cute to get down?
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Here's my time tested and kid approved (that's a small miracle!) Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipe!
1. Carve those pumpkins!
2. Pick out all the seeds but don't be too anal about it, the bits of pumpkin make it yummy! I give mine a quick rinse but it's acceptable not to rinse them too. I have kids helping me,, I RINSE!
3. This formula isn't exact but for every 1/2 cup of seeds add 2 cups of water to boil in a sauce pan. I had to do 4 sauce pans! We had a lot of seeds this year. Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat and let simmer for 10 minutes.
4. While your seeds are boiling, spray your cookie sheets (I used stones) with olive oil spray or butter flavored spray. I use olive oil. YUMMY. Then liberally sprinkle each tray with coarse salt. After you've done that, sparingly sprinkle each sheet with Lawry's Seasoned Salt. (What? you don't have any? For shame!) You may also substitute any flavoring you like here. Cajun is good and some people even like pumpkin pie spice. It's up to you!
5. Drain your seeds. Spread on the pans. Stir them around a bit to get all that seasoning all over your seeds. The only reason you season the pan instead of the seeds is because it's very very easy to OVER salt these. Seasoning the pan helps you keep an eye on just how much you're using.
*note* the Sam Adams Octoberfest is not required for the recipe but it was a nice compliment to the finished snack!
6. Place your seeds on the TOP shelf of your pre-heated 400 degree oven for 15 minutes. Check on them,, stir them around. If they appear dry and just slightly brown they're done. If they're slimy,, pop them back in for another 5-10 minutes or so.
7. EAT!
Here are some pumpkin seed eating facts
1. Some types of pumpkin seeds have less husk than others.
2. You can eat the whole seed, husk and all. Don’t worry.
3. 50 grams of seeds has 5 grams of dietary fiber. That will keep you regular!
4. Pumpkin seeds are also said to be good for Gout, Prostate Health and are supposedly an aphrodisiac.
5. Both German and Bulgarian folk medicines say that eating pumpkin seeds prevents impotence.
6. Roasted pumpkin seeds will keep for about a week in the fridge.
7. This won't reduce your premium on your term life insurance but it couldn't hurt huh?
My pumpkin. You can't tell in the picture but I sat it on it's side and used the bottom of the pumpkin for it's nose.
Big Daddy's pumpkin. It's so creepy!
T1's pumpkin. Evil vampire robot pumkin!
T2's pumpkin. The cut outs on the sides were supposed to be "leaf tattoos" but we all agree they look more like ears!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The GOP Florida debate
Great answer Fred!
After some murmurs, Fred says, “Nah that’s okay. Let me answer that… I was a father 17, a husband at the age of 17. Worked in a factory. Borrowed, got some help from my folks, they came in from the farm. I was able to be an assistant U.S. attorney at 28.” He recites his career, and concludes, “If a man can do all that and be lazy, well, I’d strongly recommend it. And I should add, most important, I’m the father of five. Two of ‘em under the age of four.”
Typical Weekend
Friday, October 19, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Project Day
The boys really liked it. I was really surprised! It's like a cross between speech class and advanced show and tell. The kids work on something, anything really, and then they come together and tell the other kids about it. I really wish I had taken video of the event. The boys did SO WELL!
T1 used his note cards but he didn't look at them the whole time. He really knew his material. T2 used his note cards and read from them in a very clear voice with not a bit of nervousness.
OH,, what did they talk about?
Beavers. Yup, they have been obsessed with beavers for quite a while now. I used this as an opportunity to talk a little more about water ecology.
They build a beaver dam out of paper mache, twigs, a box lid, and plaster of paris. They also fashioned a beaver family out of Fimo clay.
Another young lady gave us a very informative talk on Orangutans. She even brought different stuffed animals to demonstrate the different varieties. She also used them to point out the unique physical attributes that they have.
I'm not going to reveal what we're working on for next month,, you'll just have to wait and see!
A disclaimer
I've never claimed to be a skillful writer. There's no doubt that the oldest child takes after me! I like to write stuff down though, I always have. Blogging is a cool way to do that. Blogging also helps me keep track of our school year.
I'm a stay at home mom and all of you know that it's a financial strain for me to work and a financial strain for me NOT to work.
I get paid to blog. You may have noticed the button on my sidebar. It's not barrels of money but it's nice chunk of pocket change. I receive compensation for my posts that include a link to certain clients.
I just felt the need to tell everyone that. You should know when you are being advertised to!
As a personal rule, when I started doing this about a month ago, I decided I was going to work the links into what I was already writing. I am not going to write a special post just because I've been assigned a certain link.
So please be patient with me gentle readers!
'Tater noob.
The Saturday before Mother's day this past spring, the husband and I traveled up to Bob's Greenhouse in Mason Co. to get big basket's of flowers for our moms. While we were there, I picked up a few little decorative (so I thought) sweet potato sprigs wrapped in a wet paper towel. They were like $1.00 for 10. Cool! Ground cover!
They grew and grew as sweet potato vine will do. They were pretty but the leaves have faded away and there was nothing left but a skeletal vines so I start pulling them up. What's this?A sweet potato?I start digging more, there's another, and another, and another!Why did I have it in my head that decorative sweet potato vine didn't produce sweet potatoes?
Let me ask all of you out there in the blogosphere this.....
Can I save the tiny ones to plant next year?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Tuesday's co-op
Vacations, I'm a homebody.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Busy Monday, it's all about the food.
I tried today, I really did, but nothing went smoothly today. Just busy, busy, busy.
T2 wouldn't do his book work. He couldn't concentrate so we fought. I was getting phone call after phone call so I finally turned the phone off.
Then I had a phone call I wanted to make. Before I knew it, it was time for band. Well, guess what? I hadn't even bathed yet. Lovely huh? We missed lunch because we had a late breakfast. This part will be important later.
We went to band and the inevitable happened. Our band director told T2 and I that his crappy trumpet was inadequate. Well,, more than inadequate, unplayable. I was really hoping it would hold out a little longer but alas... it's time. He was great to help us with a loner for a short time until we can secure a new one though!
(Tim, I promise to work really hard to find one and give yours back PRONTO)
So then we ran home and I was mulling over what I was going to do with this piece-o-junk trumpet I have when I looked at the fridge and noticed the receipt! I examined it and read that I could return for any reason within 45 days of purchase.
What day is it?
What day did I buy it?
How many days does September have?
oh crap.
I bought it September first, it's now October 15. You guessed it! It's 5:30pm on the 45th day from purchase in a store 5 towns away. I tell the kids "GET IN THE CAR! We need to ROLL!"
They are unhappy. We are hungry. Dinner has been previously made and I cannot justify eating out. More on this later.
So, we travel for about 15 minutes. I look over and something is nagging me about that trumpet case. I glance at the receipt again, I open the case and think. "it's all good"
Then it occurs to me.
The trumpet had come in a box, it had the price tag and all the other info on the BOX.
Oh, bother.
Exit ramp.
On ramp.
15 minutes back down the road.
Box retrieved.
15 minutes back UP the road.
The best part of the evening is that there was no problem returning it. We nose around a bit and then pile back in the car and head 5 towns back home.
Now Daddy is home and heating up dinner. We straiten up a bit and get ready to sit down for dinner. Well, I remember that I have to have snack stuff for Co-op tomorrow so off for a quick trip to the store.
Why are so many people shopping on Monday night? Wow. That quick trip took almost 30 minutes.
So I come home, unload groceries and set down to a nice plate of pa-sketti. Well everyone was watching TV so I go to sit down with them. I've got the plate in one hand and I'm trying to clean off a chair with the other. That's when it happens....
MY ENTIRE PLATE OF PA-SKETTI goes sauce first onto the carpet.
Oh,, there were words.
Words that made my children run and hide.
I got the LAST of the noodles when I made that plate. Did I mention the hunger? If I hadn't been so mad I would have cried.
I might still.
We did get the apple smiles done though!
So another busy day tomorrow. Co-op and house catch up. Fun.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Well, Hello there.
T2 is a fan of roundness. He likes his pumpkin to have a nice traditional shape. Forget about the stem! This is a HUGE pumpkin too. You can't tell by the picture.
T1's requirement is a smooth "face". He doesn't like carving through the ridges. He's also a "stem man".
And just because I've been reading too many Martha Stewart and Better homes and Garden's Magazines, I had to have a few "funky punkies". Cool huh?